How Self-Cleaning Ovens Can Be Dangerous

Self cleaning ovens

The self-cleaning feature on your oven might make you think that you’ve hit the jackpot when it comes to cleaning. After all, what could be easier than simply pressing a button and letting the oven do the rest? However, self-cleaning ovens aren’t as safe or effective as they appear. Here are reasons why you should not use your oven’s self-cleaning feature.

Self-Cleaning Ovens Get Extremely Hot

Self-cleaning ovens burn off food and grease deposits at extraordinarily high temperatures, usually between 800 and 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Your oven can be damaged by this high heat, including its heating elements, door seals, and insulation. Some cases may even result in fires.

They Produce Harmful Fumes

When self-cleaning ovens get hot, they release harmful chemicals into the air. This can be dangerous to your health, especially if you suffer from respiratory problems or are sensitive to fumes. If you plan to use the self-cleaning feature on your oven, you should open a window and turn on a fan to help ventilate the area.

They’re Not Actually That Effective

In spite of their name, self-cleaning ovens do not do an adequate job of cleaning themselves. In most cases, you still have to scrub away tough food and grease deposits after the cycle has ended. Self-cleaning cycles can damage your oven’s finish, so it’s best not to use them.

Self-cleaning ovens may seem like a time-saving appliance, but they’re more trouble than they’re worth. The high temperatures generated during the cleaning cycle can damage your oven and release harmful chemicals into the air. Plus, self-cleaning cycles aren’t very effective at cleaning your oven and in most cases, you’ll still need to do some scrubbing yourself. If you are suffering from appliance damage due to self-cleaning heat and you are in the Tampa area, your friends at Capital Appliance Repair Tampa are here to help. Call us at (813) 437-5133  or contact us online to schedule your oven repair.